
My mission is to help people to learn how to work with data to make better decisions in their professional and personal lives.

About the academy

I want to help You to learn useful concepts and practical skills in Data Science and Programming. Such skills are valued on the job market, so you can use them to advance (or even change, as I did) your career, improve your business and personal finances, help others through non-profit projects for Social Good. That’s why I’ve created the R4Good.Acadamy project. Through R4Good.Academy I want to provide high quality, carefully thought out unique content, that you won’t find anywhere else.

But that’s not all! Using the example of Personal Finances, I will show you how you can gather, process, and analyze your own Personal Finances data to make better financial decisions in your life.

You will learn purely data-driven process supported by Data Science methods and scientific rigor, yet explained in terms that are easy to understand for everyone. I will show you how to analyze most important metrics in Personal Finances, measure your own progress over time, and simulate different possible scenarios. Moreover, I will show you how I use the PersonalFinance R package software that I’ve created to make the whole process much easier. With this tool you will need only an hour a month to keep your own Personal Finances in good shape.

I strongly believe that such analytical framework for Personal Finances may help many people no matter how wealthy (or not) they are or what is their age. It’s for everyone and everybody is welcome. No previous background in Computer Science, Statistics, or Finance is needed!

Join this unique educational program with a goal to gain knowledge on universal topics of Personal Finances that concerns everybody. Moreover, useful and profitable Data Science and Programming skills, that you will also be learning along the way, will stay with you for the rest of your life. They will be ready to be used on different kinds of data to support your business, career or non-profit projects for Social Good.

I believe those are the skills that I should have learned much sooner in my live. I know from my own experience that with enough effort it is possible to make pivotal changes in your education and professional career. After Master’s degree in Sociology and PhD in History, I was pursuing a career in social research in both Industry and in Academia. At the end of my pivots, I’ve started leading a great team of Scientific Software Engineers and working for one of the most innovative global bio-tech companies.

You don’t have to take the same path as I did (although you may want to), but for sure you can learn from my struggles, dilemmas, and mistakes. I will share with you lessons I’ve learned so you can make even better decisions, save time by learning the most useful skills, and get where you want to be sooner rather than later.

About me

  • Kamil Wais, Ph.D., CDMP — Data Scientist, R & Shiny developer, Research Software Architect; leader of the team of Scientific Software Engineers;

  • previously worked for one of the largest public opinion and market research institute, and in Academia as adjunct professor in the Department of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Economics; as short-term visiting adjunct professor at Center for Social Research and Center for Research Computing at the University of Notre Dame, IN, USA;

  • Master of Sociology; postgraduate degree in Statistical Methods in Business (Computer Workshops with the SAS Software); PhD in History, 1100+ pages long thesis Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (1918-1939). Study of the Development of Youth Organization;

  • successfully completed over 100 MOOCs and professional training courses;
    co-authored a MOOC on Coursera platform: Making Data Science Work for Clinical Reporting;

  • published scientific papers in journals with high impact-factors (like R Journal); given talks at European and global R users’ conferences (eRum, useR!, RinPharma); participated in conferences in Tokyo, Toulouse, Barcelona, Budapest, Chicago;

  • High Performance award granted by 7N Consulting Company representing the top 3% of IT professionals;

  • certifications in IT & cloud technologies, Agile Project Management — AgilePM Practitioner, and Data Management — Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP); the CDMP certification spans through topics like: Data Management, Data Handling Ethics, Data Governance, Data Architecture, Data Modeling and Design, Data Storage and Operations, Data Security, Data Integration and Interoperability, Document and Content Management, Reference and Master Data, Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, Metadata Management, Data Quality, Big Data and Data Science, Data Management Maturity Assessment, Data Management Organization and Role Expectations, Data Management, and Organizational Change Management; there is about ~4500 CDMPs in the world.